‘Welcome Back High Hat Harry’
Written by Kenneth Sharber
If you are old enough to remember, whitetail deer hunting truly came alive and into our homes back in the 1980’s when Leonel MUY Garza produced and sold his first hunting video, “Legend of the Muy Grande.” Since that time, thousands of hunters have reminisced about the days of watching that VHS hunting video on their old VCR’S.
I personally remember watching it numerous times during my AG CLASS at Medina County High School in the late 1990’s. I never dreamed one day MUY would be my father in law and that I’d marry his youngest daughter of 5 girls, Imelda.
My most vivid memory of that old video is of course, MUY’s famous hunt for the trophy buck High Hat Harry. What a beauty he was, the trophy deer of course, not MUY. It’s funny but not many hunters were naming their deer at the time but MUY, being the storyteller that he is, didn’t hesitate to name the deer that he had been hunting with the high trophy rack. Later, “High Hat Harry” was proudly displayed at the old Muy Grande Village headquarters.
In time though, as we all remember, the great oil field crash erupted and for MUY, selling real estate and ranches trickled down to an all time low. He and the family went through hard times financially and emotionally...and MUY eventually sold old High Hat Harry.
So here we are, about 25 years later. “Would MUY’s daughters, Letty, Nori, Elsa, and Imelda as well as his loving wife, Elda, please come forward? His daughter Noelia could not be here today. MUY we have a surprise gift for you. Come on out, Jorge, Lloyd, and Eddie. These are MUY’s son in laws with MUY’s totally unexpected gift.”
Welcome back High Hat Harry!